Family Law – services


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Seamus Maguire and Co Solicitors understand that Family Law matters are highly sensitive and private. Our Family Law Solicitors can arrange an appointment with you to discuss your issues and to advise you fully on your options. A divorce decree allows both parties to a marriage to remarry. Before a court can grant a divorce, the following conditions must be met:

  • The parties must have been living apart from one another for a period amounting to four out of the previous five years before the application is made.
  • There must be no reasonable prospect of reconciliation.
  • Proper arrangements must have been made or will be made for the spouse and any dependent members of the family such as children of either party and other relatives.

If these conditions are met, either party to a marriage may apply to court for a decree of divorce. Seamus Maguire and Co Solicitors will advise you if you are eligible for a divorce.

We will explain the procedure, the time frame and the costs involved. In Ireland, succession rights are governed by law. Our Family Law Solicitors will advise you fully on how divorce affects your succession rights.

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